Adaptflow Technologies LLC
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Entered | Case | Description |
01/10/23 | RULE 7 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Roku, Inc.. (Deaconson, David) (Entered: 01/10/2023) | |
12/13/22 | ANSWER to 10 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by AdaptFlow Technologies LLC.(Mort, Raymond) (Entered: 12/13/2022) | |
12/06/22 | ORDER GRANTING 20 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Reginald J. Hill for Roku, Inc. Pursuant to our Administrative Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing, the attorney hereby granted to practice pro hac vice in this case must register for electronic filing with our court within 10 days of this order. Registration is managed by the PACER Service Center Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (bw) (Entered: 12/06/2022) | |
12/05/22 | MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Alexander J. Hadjis for Reginald J. Hill ( Filing fee $ 100 receipt number ATXWDC-16820802) by on behalf of Roku, Inc.. (Hadjis, Alexander) (Entered: 12/05/2022) | |
12/02/22 | ORDER STAYING CASE pending further order of this court. Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (bw) (Entered: 12/02/2022) | |
12/02/22 | ORDER GRANTING 14 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Alexander J. Hadjis for Roku, Inc.,Alexander J. Hadjis for Roku, Inc.. Pursuant to our Administrative Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing, the attorney hereby granted to practice pro hac vice in this case must register for electronic filing with our court within 10 days of this order. Registration is managed by the PACER Service Center Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (AJD) (Entered: 12/02/2022) | |
12/02/22 | ORDER GRANTING 13 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Krystalyn Kinsel for Roku, Inc.,Krystalyn Kinsel for Roku, Inc.. Pursuant to our Administrative Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing, the attorney hereby granted to practice pro hac vice in this case must register for electronic filing with our court within 10 days of this order. Registration is managed by the PACER Service Center Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (AJD) (Entered: 12/02/2022) | |
12/02/22 | ORDER GRANTING 12 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Yusuf Esat for Roku, Inc.,Yusuf Esat for Roku, Inc.. Pursuant to our Administrative Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing, the attorney hereby granted to practice pro hac vice in this case must register for electronic filing with our court within 10 days of this order. Registration is managed by the PACER Service Center Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (AJD) (Entered: 12/02/2022) | |
12/02/22 | ORDER GRANTING 11 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Haley B. Tuchman for Roku, Inc.,Haley B. Tuchman for Roku, Inc.. Pursuant to our Administrative Policies and Procedures for Electronic Filing, the attorney hereby granted to practice pro hac vice in this case must register for electronic filing with our court within 10 days of this order. Registration is managed by the PACER Service Center Signed by Judge Lee Yeakel. (Davis, Andriea) (Entered: 12/02/2022) | |
12/01/22 | MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by David N. Deaconson Hadjis ( Filing fee $ 100 receipt number ATXWDC-16808323) by on behalf of Roku, Inc.. (Deaconson, David) (Entered: 12/01/2022) |