Ag Premier Inc
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
07/11/22 | NOTICE of Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Patent or Trademark re 20 JOINT MOTION to Dismiss - for Order for Dismissal (ksy)(mailed to Patent Office) (Entered: 07/11/2022) | |
07/07/22 | NOTICE of Dismissal by Plaintiff VTI, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Stipulated Order for Dismissal) (Caster, Kevin) Modified text on 7/7/2022 (ksy). (Entered: 07/07/2022) | |
07/07/22 | ***Civil Case Terminated 20 NOTICE of Dismissal. (ksy) (Entered: 07/07/2022) | |
07/07/22 | ***Civil Case Terminated 20 NOTICE of Dismissal. (ksy) (Entered: 07/07/2022) | |
06/08/22 | ORDER of Case Settlement: The court has been advised that this action has been settled. The parties shall have to and including, the date listed at the end of this docket entry, to file their settlement documents. Dismissal Papers are due by 7/7/2022. Signed by Magistrate Judge Mark A Roberts on 6/7/2022. (jag) (Entered: 06/08/2022) | |
06/07/22 | CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Zoske's Sales and Services, Inc (Kahler, Brant) (Entered: 06/07/2022) | |
06/07/22 | CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Zoske's MFG, Inc (Kahler, Brant) (Entered: 06/07/2022) | |
06/07/22 | CORPORATE Disclosure Statement by Ag Premier, Inc (Kahler, Brant) (Entered: 06/07/2022) | |
05/31/22 | Case Reassigned to Judge CJ Williams and Magistrate Judge Mark A Roberts. Magistrate Judge Mark A Roberts no longer assigned to the case as presider. Motions referred to Mark A Roberts. (No conflicts identified) (ksy) (Entered: 05/31/2022) | |
05/31/22 | Case Reassigned to Judge CJ Williams and Magistrate Judge Mark A Roberts. Magistrate Judge Mark A Roberts no longer assigned to the case as presider. Motions referred to Mark A Roberts. (No conflicts identified) (ksy) (Entered: 05/31/2022) |