Bote LLC
Total Cases6
Active Cases2
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
07/17/24 | RESPONSE in Support, filed by Bote, LLC, re 14 Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW filed by Defendant Bote, LLC (Doyle, Tyler) (Entered: 07/17/2024) | |
07/12/24 | NOTICE REGARDING CONSENT by Bote, LLC re 12 Order (Doyle, Tyler) (Entered: 07/12/2024) | |
07/10/24 | Response in Opposition to Motion, filed by Twitch LLC, re 14 Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW filed by Defendant Bote, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Peter Hall, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit 9, # 11 Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit 12, # 14 Proposed Order)(Krashin, Michael) (Entered: 07/10/2024) | |
07/08/24 | MOTION REFERRED: referred 14 Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW. Referral Judge: Anne T. Berton. (lad) (Entered: 07/08/2024) | |
07/08/24 | Text Order REFERRING 14 Motion to Stay Case to United States Magistrate Judge Anne Berton. SO ORDERED. Entered by Judge Kathleen Cardone. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (KC) (Entered: 07/08/2024) | |
06/27/24 | Proposed Order to 14 Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW by Bote, LLC. (Doyle, Tyler) (Entered: 06/27/2024) | |
06/26/24 | DEFICIENCY NOTICE: re 14 Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW (lad) (Entered: 06/26/2024) | |
06/26/24 | Opposed MOTION to Stay Case PENDING INTER PARTES REVIEW by Bote, LLC. (Doyle, Tyler) (Entered: 06/26/2024) | |
06/21/24 | RULE 7 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Bote, LLC identifying Corporate Parent Kent Water Sports Holdings, LLC for Bote, LLC. (Doyle, Tyler) (Entered: 06/21/2024) | |
06/21/24 | ORDER- the Court ORDERS the parties to FILE a joint notice, on or before July 12,2024. Signed by Judge Kathleen Cardone. (cav) (Entered: 06/21/2024) |