Brickhouse Electronics LLC


Total Cases8
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TypeOperating Company
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JOINT STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL: Now comes Plaintiff, Social Positioning Input Systems, LLC and Defendant Brickhouse Electronics, LLC, by their respective undersigned counsel, hereby STIPULATE and AGREE as follows: 1. All claims asserted by the Plaintiff in this Action are dismissed with prejudice under Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(ii); 2. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys fees with respect to the matters dismissed hereby; This Stipulation and Order shall finally resolve the Action between the parties. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Katherine Polk Failla on 2/4/21) (yv) (Entered: 02/05/2021)
PROPOSED STIPULATION AND ORDER. Document filed by Social Positioning Input Systems, LLC..(Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 02/04/2021)
AO 120 FORM PATENT - CASE TERMINATED - SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 290, the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby advised that a final decision was rendered on 1/6/2021 in a court action filed on the following patent(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office electronically notified via Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF). (Attachments: # 1 Order of Dismissal).(rro) (Entered: 01/06/2021)
MEMO ENDORSEMENT granting 20 Motion to Stay. ENDORSEMENT: The Court is in receipt of the above joint motion from the parties (Dkt. #20). Application GRANTED. All deadlines and conferences are hereby adjourned. Furthermore, the Court ORDERS that this action be conditionally discontinued without prejudice and without costs; provided, however, that on or before February 4, 2021, the parties may submit to the Court their own Stipulation of Settlement and Dismissal for the Court to So Order. Otherwise, within such time Plaintiff may apply by letter for restoration of the action to the active calendar of the Court in the event that the settlement is not consummated. Upon such application for reinstatement, the parties shall continue to be subject to the Courts jurisdiction, the Court shall promptly reinstate the action to its active docket, and the parties shall be directed to appear before the Court, without the necessity of additional process, on a date within ten (10) days of the application, to schedule remaining pretrial proceedings and/or dispositive motions, as appropriate. This Order shall be deemed a final discontinuance of the action with prejudice in the event that Plaintiff has not requested restoration of the case to the active calendar on or before February 4, 2021. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate all pending motions, adjourn all remaining dates, and close this case. (Signed by Judge Katherine Polk Failla on 1/6/2021) (rro) (Entered: 01/06/2021)
JOINT MOTION to Stay All Deadlines. Document filed by Social Positioning Input Systems, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order).(Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 01/05/2021)
ANSWER to 2 Complaint with JURY DEMAND. Document filed by Brickhouse Electronics, LLC..(Conroy, Rebekah) (Entered: 12/16/2020)
RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. No Corporate Parent. Document filed by Brickhouse Electronics, LLC..(Conroy, Rebekah) (Entered: 12/16/2020)
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of Summons and Complaint. Brickhouse Electronics, LLC served on 11/16/2020, answer due 12/7/2020. Service was accepted by Colleen Banahan, Authorized Agent. Document filed by Social Positioning Input Systems, LLC..(Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 11/19/2020)
MEMO ENDORSEMENT on MOTION TO CONTINUE INITIAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE granting 15 Motion to Continue. ENDORSEMENT: Application GRANTED. The initial pretrial conference in this matter is hereby ADJOURNED to January 12, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. The Court will determine at a date closer to the conference whether it will proceed in person or by teleconference. A joint letter from the parties and the proposed Civil Case Management Plan and Scheduling Order are due by January 7, 2021, in accordance with the instructions in the Notice of Initial Pretrial Conference (Dkt. 12). SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Katherine Polk Failla on 11/10/2020) (ks) (Entered: 11/10/2020)
MOTION to Continue . Document filed by Social Positioning Input Systems, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order).(Johnson, Jay) (Entered: 11/09/2020)