Check Point Software Technologies Inc
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
02/05/25 | Summons Issued as to Check Point Software Technologies Inc. (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | Summons Issued as to Check Point Software Technologies Inc. (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | ELECTRONIC STANDING ORDER: Counsel are required to review and comply with the Court's Judge Specific Requirements, which can be found here: [ Judge Requirements ]. The Court updates its Requirements periodically. Also, counsel are required to review and comply with the Northern District of Texas's Local Civil Rules, which can be found here: [ Civil Rules ]. In particular, the Court directs counsel to review Rules 3.1, 7.4, and 81.2, regarding certificates of interested persons, and Rule 83.10, regarding local counsel. Counsel are expected to review the Requirements and Local Rules before contacting the Court with questions. (Ordered by Judge Karen Gren Scholer on 2/5/2025) (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | ELECTRONIC STANDING ORDER: Counsel are required to review and comply with the Court's Judge Specific Requirements, which can be found here: [ Judge Requirements ]. The Court updates its Requirements periodically. Also, counsel are required to review and comply with the Northern District of Texas's Local Civil Rules, which can be found here: [ Civil Rules ]. In particular, the Court directs counsel to review Rules 3.1, 7.4, and 81.2, regarding certificates of interested persons, and Rule 83.10, regarding local counsel. Counsel are expected to review the Requirements and Local Rules before contacting the Court with questions. (Ordered by Judge Karen Gren Scholer on 2/5/2025) (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | Report to Patent/Trademark Office of Initiating Document. Form AO 120 e-mailed to (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | Report to Patent/Trademark Office of Initiating Document. Form AO 120 e-mailed to (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | New Case Notes: A filing fee has been paid. Pursuant to Misc. Order 6, Plaintiff is provided the Notice of Right to Consent to Proceed Before A U.S. Magistrate Judge (Judge Horan). Clerk to provide copy to plaintiff if not received electronically. (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/05/25 | New Case Notes: A filing fee has been paid. Pursuant to Misc. Order 6, Plaintiff is provided the Notice of Right to Consent to Proceed Before A U.S. Magistrate Judge (Judge Horan). Clerk to provide copy to plaintiff if not received electronically. (ykp) (Entered: 02/05/2025) | |
02/04/25 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael Scott Fuller on behalf of Touchpoint Projection Innovations, LLC. (Filer confirms contact info in ECF is current.) (Fuller, Michael) (Entered: 02/04/2025) | |
02/04/25 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Michael Scott Fuller on behalf of Touchpoint Projection Innovations, LLC. (Filer confirms contact info in ECF is current.) (Fuller, Michael) (Entered: 02/04/2025) |