Chevron Corp
Total Cases27
Active Cases2
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
08/03/23 | ORDER granting 6 Motion for Naveen Modi to Appear Pro Hac Vice Note: Instructions to request Texas Southern CM/ECF registration through PACER are found here.(Signed by Judge Alfred H Bennett) Parties notified.(GabrielleLyons, 4) (Entered: 08/03/2023) | |
08/03/23 | ORDER granting 7 Motion for Daniel Zeilberger to Appear Pro Hac Vice Note: Instructions to request Texas Southern CM/ECF registration through PACER are found here.(Signed by Judge Alfred H Bennett) Parties notified.(GabrielleLyons, 4) (Entered: 08/03/2023) | |
08/02/23 | ORDER granting 10 Motion for Extension of Time; Motion-related deadline set re: 10 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time Answer to Complaint. Answer due by 10/2/2023.(Signed by Judge Alfred H Bennett) Parties notified.(ledwards, 4) (Entered: 08/02/2023) | |
08/02/23 | CERTIFICATE of Conference re: 10 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time Answer to Complaint by Chevron U S A Inc, Scout Energy Management, LLC, filed.(Meek, Kevin) (Entered: 08/02/2023) | |
08/01/23 | CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Chevron U S A Inc, filed.(Thomas, Schlea) (Entered: 08/01/2023) | |
08/01/23 | NOTICE of Appearance by Schlea M. Thomas, James T. Grogan III, Naveen Modi, and Daniel Zeilberger on behalf of Chevron U S A Inc, filed. (Thomas, Schlea) (Entered: 08/01/2023) | |
08/01/23 | MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Daniel Zeilberger (Fee Paid: $100, receipt number ATXSDC-30288275) by Chevron U S A Inc, filed. Motion Docket Date 8/22/2023. (Thomas, Schlea) (Entered: 08/01/2023) | |
08/01/23 | MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Naveen Modi (Fee Paid: $100, receipt number ATXSDC-30288055) by Chevron U S A Inc, filed. Motion Docket Date 8/22/2023. (Thomas, Schlea) (Entered: 08/01/2023) | |
08/01/23 | NOTICE of Appearance by Kevin Meek, Paula Heyman and David Genender on behalf of Scout Energy Management, LLC, filed. (Meek, Kevin) (Entered: 08/01/2023) | |
08/01/23 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time Answer to Complaint by Chevron U S A Inc, Scout Energy Management, LLC, filed. Motion Docket Date 8/22/2023. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Meek, Kevin) (Entered: 08/01/2023) |