Fusion Orthopedics LLC


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ORDER. The Court met with the parties telephonically this morning regarding certain matters of disputed discovery. #1 In light of the parties' inablity to agree on a location for an in-person settlement conference, the court relieves the parties of any obligation to participate in the settlement conference. #2 Fusion shall fully and completely respond to document requests 5-7 and Interrogatory no. 4 by August 16, 2023. # 3 Absent any reason to the contrary, and the parties having stated that they have no problem with protocols used in the past, the parties are authorized to take remote depositions by video pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(4), absent health or other reasons justifying an in-person deposition. #4 Fusion's request to presently take the deposition of Dr. Ledet is denied, pending his designation as an expert on the remaining issues in this case. #5 Mr. Lindenbaum shall respond to written discovery with at a minimum the preparation of privilege logs, but absent a more compelling explanation justifying taking his deposition, his deposition is not authorized. Signed by Chief Judge G Murray Snow on August 9, 2023. This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no PDF document associated with this entry. (GMS) (Entered: 08/09/2023)
MOTION to Stay by Fusion Orthopedics LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A to Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit B to Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 4 Proposed Order)(Vowell, Corby) (Entered: 08/03/2023)
ORDER granting the parties' Joint Motion (Doc. 75 ). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED modifying the Court's 12/16/22 Case Management Order (Doc. 49 ) as modified by the Court's 7/10/23 Order (Doc. 74 ) as follows: Discovery due by 12/15/2023. See Order for complete details. Signed by Chief Judge G Murray Snow on 7/28/23. (SMF) (Entered: 07/28/2023)
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time for Settlement Talks, Fact Depositions, Expert Reports, and Expert Discovery and to Modify Scheduling Order by Extremity Medical LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Zinna, Michael) (Entered: 07/27/2023)
ORDER - Modifying the Court's 12/6/22 Case Management Order (Doc. 49 ) and setting the following deadlines as suggested by the parties in their Joint Case Management Report (Doc. 44 ) and as ordered in the Court's Case Management Order (Doc. 49 ): Discovery due by 8/25/2023. Dispositive motions due by 1/12/2024. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED affirming all orders contained within the Court's 12/16/22 Case Management Order (Doc. 49 ) except as modified herein. Signed by Chief Judge G Murray Snow on 7/10/23. (SMF) (Entered: 07/10/2023)
ORDER. Pending before the Court are the parties' briefs addressing claim construction 60, 63 and 68 . For the reasons set forth in the attached Order, the claims are construed under Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc., 517 U.S. 370 (1996), as follows: IT IS HERBY ORDERED that "a third member comprising a third elongated body extending along a straight line from a first end to a second end along a third longitudinal axis" is construed as "wherein the [third] member extends along a straight line from a first end to a second end." FURTHER ORDERED that no construction is necessary for any other terms, and they will be understood according to their plain and ordinary meanings. FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant's Motion for Leave to File Sur-Reply Regarding Claim Construction (Doc. 70 ) is DENIED. Signed by Chief Judge G Murray Snow on 7/7/2023. (KFZ) (Entered: 07/07/2023)
MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Judge G Murray Snow: Markman Hearing held on 6/22/2023. Argument presented. IT IS ORDERED taking the matter under advisement. APPEARANCES: Michael Zinna and David Lindenbaum for Plaintiff. Corby Vowell and Samuel Rocereta for Defendant. (Court Reporter Teri Veres.) Hearing held 9:04 AM to 10:21 AM. This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no PDF document associated with this entry. (KFZ) (Entered: 06/22/2023)
RESPONSE in Opposition re: 70 MOTION for Leave to File Sur-Reply Regarding Claim Construction filed by Extremity Medical LLC. (Zinna, Michael) (Entered: 06/15/2023)
MOTION for Leave to File Sur-Reply Regarding Claim Construction by Fusion Orthopedics LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A to Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit B to Declaration of Corby R. Vowell, # 4 Proposed Order)(Vowell, Corby) (Entered: 06/15/2023)
Additional Attachments to Main Document re: 68 Brief - Reply, [Exhibit A to Declaration of Dr. Eric H. Ledet] by Plaintiff Extremity Medical LLC. (Zinna, Michael) (Entered: 06/14/2023)