Labelle Lake LLC


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CourtsD. Idaho
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ORDER RE: JOINT MOTION TO STAY CASE PENDING EX PARTE REEXAMINATION [140] - This action is STAYED pending the final outcome of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offices ex parte reexamination regarding U.S. Patent No. 8,511,042. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (lm)
Joint MOTION to Stay Pending Ex Parte Reexamination James T Burton appearing for Plaintiff Ice Castles, LLC. Responses due by 11/18/21 (Burton, James)
SEALED RESPONSE to Motion re [136] MOTION in Limine to Exclude Damages re Defamation and Tortious Interference, [138] MOTION to Seal Document [137] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, re Response to Motion In Limine to Exclude Testimony as to Defamation Damages and Tortious InterferenceDamages filed by Ice Castles, LLC. Replies due by 10/29/2021. (Attachments: # [1] Exhibit A - Second Supplemental Initial Disclosures)(Burton, James)
MOTION to Seal Document [137] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, re Response to Motion In Limine to Exclude Testimony as to Defamation Damages and Tortious InterferenceDamages James T Burton appearing for Plaintiff Ice Castles, LLC, Counter Defendant Ice Castles, LLC. Responses due by 11/5/2021 (Attachments: # [1] Memorandum in Support re: Motion to Seal)(Burton, James)
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [136] MOTION in Limine to Exclude Damages re Defamation and Tortious Interference filed by Ice Castles, LLC. Replies due by 10/29/2021. (Attachments: # [1] Exhibit B - Google Review (IC0001033), # [2] Exhibit C - Facebook Post (IC0000657), # [3] Exhibit D -Facebook Post (IC0000645), # [4] Exhibit E - Facebook Post (IC0000646), # [5] Exhibit F - Facebook Post (IC0000650), # [6] Exhibit G - Facebook Post (IC0000655), # [7] Exhibit H - Facebook Post (IC0000656), # [8] Exhibit I - Facebook Post (IC0000638), # [9] Exhibit J - Initial Disclosures)(Burton, James)
MOTION in Limine to Exclude Damages re Defamation and Tortious Interference Randall B Bateman appearing for Defendants LaBelle Lake Ice Palace LLC, LaBelle Lake LLC, Counter Claimants LaBelle Lake Ice Palace LLC, LaBelle Lake LLC. Responses due by 10/15/2021 (Attachments: # [1] Memorandum in Support Memorandum in Support, # [2] Exhibit Proposed Order)(Bateman, Randall)
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. LaBelles Motion to Exclude Testimony as to Damages is DENIED. Ice Castles, however, shall supplement its Rule 26 disclosures within seven (7) days of the date of this order. The Parties' Motions to Seal [106] are GRANTED. The materials so designated shall remain under seal. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (kt)
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. Ice Castles' Motion in Limine to Exclude Advice of Unidentified Counsel [79] is DENIED. Ice Castles' Motion in Limine to Exclude Purported Advice of Counsel by Rhett Barney is GRANTED in PART and DENIED in PART. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (kt)
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. IT IS ORDERED LaBelle's Renewed Motion for Bond [96] is DENIED. The Parties' Motions to Seal [103] are GRANTED. The materials so designated shall remain under seal. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (kt)
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER. LaBelle's Motion for Partial Reconsideration [67] is DENIED. The Court defines the term icicle(s): as written/plain and ordinary meaning. LaBelle's Motion to Compel [76] is GRANTED in PART and DENIED in PART as outlined above. To keep the case moving forward, Ice Castles review of LaBelles requests (and any supplementation) should occur within 14 days of the date of this order. Signed by Judge David C. Nye. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by (kt)