Olson Kundig Inc


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JUDGMENT BY COURT: Plaintiff is entitled to the entry of default judgment on its claims against Defendant. Defendant and its directors, officers, agents, employees, successors, subsidiaries, assigns, affiliates, and all persons acting in privity, concert, or participation with any of the above are permanently enjoined from continued infringement of the D352 Patent, D197 Patent, D933 Patent, D422 Patent, the OLSON KUNDIG mark and the TOM KUNDIG COLLECTION mark. Plaintiff is awarded damages in the amount of $110,879.94 for unpaid royalties owed under the Agreement. Plaintiff is awarded statutory damages under RCW 63.60.060(2) in the amount of $1,500. Plaintiff is awarded attorneys' fees in the amount of $91,627.23. Plaintiff is awarded post-judgment interest under 28 U.S.C. § 1961. The post-judgment interest shall accrue at a rate of 5.36%. (SS) (cc: Defendant via USPS) (Entered: 08/08/2023)
ORDER: The court AWARDS Olson Kundig $1,500 in statutory damages under the WPRA. The court will enter a final judgment consistent with this order and its May 5, 2023 order. Signed by Judge James L. Robart. (SS) (cc: Defendant via USPS) (Entered: 08/08/2023)
ORDER granting in part Plaintiff's 52 Motion for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against 12th Avenue Iron. The Court PERMANENTLY ENJOINS 12th Avenue Iron. The court GRANTS Olson Kundig's request for $110,879.94 in unpaid royalties. The court DEFERS ruling on Olson Kundig's entitlement to $1,500 in statutory damages. The court GRANTS in part Olson Kundig's request for attorneys' fees and AWARDS Olson Kundig $91,627.23. The Court DENIES Olson Kundig's request for pre-judgment interest. The court GRANTS in part Olson Kundig's request for discovery to determine Olson Kundig's total damages and orders limited damages discovery. The court ORDERS 12th Avenue Iron to, by no later than June 5, 2023, serve on counsel for Olson Kundig, a report which provides documentation as described. To the extent Olson Kundig intends to file a supplemental damages request in light of this discovery, it must file a supplemental motion for damages by no later than August 4, 2023. The court will DEFER entry of final judgment until after the completion of additional damages discovery. Signed by Judge James L. Robart. (LH) (cc: 12th Avenue Iron via US mail) (Entered: 05/05/2023)
MINUTE ORDER: The court DIRECTS the Clerk to strike 12th Avenue Iron's original and amended answers (Dkt. ## 12, 34 ). Authorized by Judge James L. Robart. (LH) (cc: Defendant via US mail) (Entered: 04/28/2023)
PROPOSED ORDER (Unsigned) re 52 MOTION for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against 12th Avenue Iron (Hodges, Benjamin) (Entered: 04/27/2023)
MINUTE ORDER re Plaintiff's 52 MOTION for Default Judgment. The Court ORDERS Olson Kundig to file, by no later than 4/28/2023, a copy of its proposed order and judgment. Authorized by Judge James L. Robart. (SS) (Entered: 04/26/2023)
MEMORANDUM filed by Plaintiff Olson Kundig Inc re 52 MOTION for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against 12th Avenue Iron In Further Support of Its Motion for An Award of Attorney's Fees (Hodges, Benjamin) (Entered: 04/12/2023)
MINUTE ORDER re Plaintiff's 52 MOTION for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against 12th Avenue Iron. The court ORDERS Olson Kundig to submit a supplemental brief by April 12, 2023. Authorized by Judge James L. Robart. (LH) Modified on 4/3/2023 - cc: 12th Ave Iron via US mail (LH). (Entered: 04/03/2023)
Noting Date Reset for 4/12/2023 re 52 MOTION for Default Judgment, per 55 Minute Order. (LH) (Entered: 04/03/2023)
DECLARATION of Curt Eckman filed by Plaintiff Olson Kundig Inc re 52 MOTION for Default Judgment and a Permanent Injunction Against 12th Avenue Iron (Zhou, Yeli) (Entered: 03/31/2023)