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ORDER that Plaintiff's motion for attorney fees [51] is DENIED. Signed by Senior Judge Douglas L Rayes on 9/18/24. (KLG) (Entered: 09/18/2024)
MOTION for Attorney Fees by Spectrum Products LLC. (Attachments: # [1] Exhibit A, # [2] Exhibit B, # [3] Proposed Order Order)(Brown, Nathanael) (Entered: 02/13/2024)
Copy of AO 120 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Patent or Trademark emailed to Patent and Trademark Office on this date. (REK) (Entered: 02/02/2024)
CLERK'S JUDGMENT - Pursuant to Rule 55(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and upon instruction by the Court, default judgment is hereby entered against Defendants Jie Gao, Ventilaiders, D Home LLC, and RaHome. Plaintiff is awarded treble damages in the amount of $1,012,091.52. Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons in active participation with them are permanently enjoined during the life of the D925721 Patent from any and all acts of infringement of the D925721 Patent, including making, having made, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing into the United States the invention claimed in the D925721 Patent. (KLG) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
ORDER that Plaintiff's motion for default judgment [40] , as supplemented by its request for lost profits and enhanced damages [44] , is GRANTED as follows: Plaintiff is awarded treble damages in the amount of $1,012,091.52. Per the Court's March 28, 2023 order, Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons in active participation with them are permanently enjoined during the life of the D925721 Patent from any and all acts of infringement of the D925721 Patent, including making, having made, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing into the United States the invention claimed in the D925721 Patent. Per the Court's March 28, 2023 order, Plaintiff is entitled to its reasonable attorney fees and costs upon submission to the Court, within 14 days of the date of this order, an itemized accounting of those fees. The Clerk of the Court shall enter judgment accordingly and terminate this case. See document for complete details. Signed by Judge Douglas L Rayes on 1/31/2024. (KLG) (Entered: 02/01/2024)
NOTICE re: Notice of Response to Court Order 46 by Spectrum Products LLC re: 46 Order,,,, [44] MOTION to Supplement re [40] Motion for Default Judgment, . (Attachments: # [1] Affidavit Declaration of Attorney Brown, # [2] Affidavit Declaration of Spectrum Products, # [3] Exhibit Exhibit 1)(Brown, Nathanael) (Entered: 01/23/2024)
ORDER: The Court has reviewed Plaintiff's supplemental brief addressing the outstanding damages issue (Doc. [44] ) and again requests additional information before ruling. In calculating its lost profits, Plaintiff purportedly relies on an estimate of Defendants' average monthly sales calculated by the Jungle Scout software. Plaintiff attaches to its brief what appears to be a screenshot of Jungle Scout's calculation (Doc. 44-2), and Plaintiff's original default judgment motion included representations about what Jungle Scout is. But neither the original default judgment nor the supplement contains evidence attesting to either Jungle Scout's reliability or the veracity of the screenshot. Without such evidence, the Court cannot rule on whether Plaintiff has proven its damages with reasonable probability. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, by 1/26/2024, Plaintiff shall file an affidavit with this Court addressing what Jungle Scout is, the reliability of the Jungle Scout software, and the veracity of the screenshots attached to Plaintiff's motion (Docs. 44-1, 44-2). Ordered by Judge Douglas L Rayes on 1/16/2024. This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no PDF document associated with this entry. (MMO) (Entered: 01/16/2024)
MOTION to Supplement re 40 Motion for Default Judgment, by Spectrum Products LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Proposed Order)(Brown, Nathanael) (Entered: 04/11/2023)
ORDER granting 40 Motion for Default Judgment. The Court finds in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants on the issue of liability. Defendants have infringed the D925721 Patent. Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and other persons in active participation with them are permanently enjoined during the life of the D925721 Patent from any and all acts of infringement of the D925721 Patent, including making, having made, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing into the United States the invention claimed in the D925721 Patent. Within 14 days of the date of this order, Plaintiff shall file a supplemental brief addressing the outstanding damages issues identified in this order. In addition, Plaintiff shall notify the Court in writing whether it believes an evidentiary hearing will be required to determine its damages. Plaintiff may supplement its attorney fees and costs request after the Court rules on the outstanding damages issues. Signed by Judge Douglas L Rayes on 3/27/23. (SMF) (Entered: 03/28/2023)
NOTICE: With regard to Plaintiff's 41 Pending Motion Notification, the Court advises that the motion (Doc. 40 ) is under consideration and a decision will issue in due course. (MMO) (Entered: 01/03/2023)