Sandcraft LLC
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
05/19/23 | CLERK'S JUDGMENT. (Strodtman, Tracy) (Entered: 05/19/2023) | |
05/17/23 | ORDER granting Plaintiff's 12 motion for default judgment and request for a permanent injunction. Signed on May 17, 2023, by District Judge Greg Kays. (Law Clerk). (Entered: 05/17/2023) | |
02/27/23 | ORDER. In light of Plaintiff's 13 notice of voluntary dismissal against Defendant KB3 UTV Products, LLC, all claims against Defendant KB3 UTV Products, LLC, are hereby dismissed. All claims against separate Defendant, KB3 UTV LLC, remain in effect. Signed on February 27, 2023, by District Judge Greg Kays. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Law Clerk). (Entered: 02/27/2023) | |
02/24/23 | MOTION to dismiss party KB3 UTV Products, LLC filed by Scott R. Brown on behalf of Sandcraft, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 3/10/2023 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Brown, Scott) (Entered: 02/24/2023) | |
02/23/23 | MOTION for default judgment against KB3 UTV LLC filed by Scott R. Brown on behalf of Sandcraft, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 3/9/2023 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Brown, Scott) (Entered: 02/23/2023) | |
01/13/23 | CLERK'S ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to KB3 UTV LLC. A copy of this filing has been mailed to Kenneth Bell, at 145 W. Vivian St., Belton, Missouri, 64012 and 515 Chase Lane, Belton, Missouri, 64012. (Strodtman, Tracy) (Entered: 01/13/2023) | |
12/28/22 | MOTION for entry of default filed by Scott R. Brown on behalf of Sandcraft, LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 1/11/2023 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration in Support of Plaintiff's Request for Entry of Default Judgment against Defendant KB3 UTV, LLC)(Brown, Scott). Docket text modified from "motion for default" to "motion for entry of default" on 12/29/2022 at the request of Plaintiff. (Law Clerk). (Entered: 12/28/2022) | |
11/22/22 | ORDER granting 8 extension of time. A copy of this order was mailed to Defendants registered agent, Kenneth Bell, at 145 W. Vivian St., Belton, Missouri, 64012 and 515 Chase Lane, Belton, Missouri, 64012. A copy of this order was also emailed to Kenneth Bell at the email listed in his motion ( Signed on November 22, 2022, by District Judge Greg Kays. (Law Clerk). Modified to identify all addresses on 11/22/2022 (Law Clerk). (Entered: 11/22/2022) | |
11/08/22 | PRO SE MOTION to appoint counsel by Registered Agent Kenneth Bell filed by KB3 UTV LLC. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 11/22/2022 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope)(Kern, Kendra) (Entered: 11/08/2022) | |
11/08/22 | ORDER granting 6 motion to appear pro hac vice entered by Clerk of Court. Attorney Maria Crimi Speth for Sandcraft, LLC allowed to appear pro hac vice. This entry will serve as authorization for the pro hac participation by the attorney. Western District of Missouri Local Rule 5.1 requires documents to be filed electronically. If pro hac vice counsel has not already done so, counsel is directed to immediately register for a WDMO e-filing account for NextGen CM/ECF. This will enable counsel to electronically file documents and receive electronic notification of filings. Register for a WDMO e-filing account at PACER. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached. (Berner, Crystal) (Entered: 11/08/2022) |