Stackpole Intl Powder Metal Ltd
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Entered | Case | Description |
07/18/23 | TEXT-ONLY ORDER Granting 9 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 8 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer or Respond to Complaint Corrected Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time filed by VDPP, LLC, 8 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer or Respond to Complaint filed by VDPP, LLC. (Response due by 8/28/2023.) Signed by District Judge Matthew F. Leitman. (HRya) (Entered: 07/18/2023) | |
07/17/23 | MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 8 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer or Respond to Complaint Corrected Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer or Respond to Plaitntiff's Oritingal Complaint by VDPP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Order) (Ramey, William) (Entered: 07/17/2023) | |
07/17/23 | MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer or Respond to Complaint by VDPP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Document Continuation Proposed Order) (Ramey, William) (Entered: 07/17/2023) | |
07/11/23 | NOTICE of Appearance by David E. Christensen on behalf of VDPP, LLC. (Christensen, David) (Entered: 07/11/2023) | |
06/30/23 | STIPULATED ORDER Regarding Service and Defendants' Answers (Answer due August 28, 2023). Signed by District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith. (KSan) (Entered: 06/30/2023) | |
06/29/23 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed. Stackpole International Engineered Products, Ltd waiver sent on 6/28/2023, answer due 8/28/2023. (Zajac, Mitchell) (Entered: 06/29/2023) | |
06/29/23 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed. Stackpole International Powder Metal, Ltd waiver sent on 6/28/2023, answer due 8/28/2023. (Zajac, Mitchell) (Entered: 06/29/2023) | |
06/27/23 | CERTIFICATE of Service/Summons Returned Executed. Ford Motor Company served on 6/23/2023, answer due 7/14/2023. (Ramey, William) (Entered: 06/27/2023) | |
06/21/23 | ORDER of RECUSAL and REASSIGNING CASE from District Judge Nancy G. Edmunds to District Judge Matthew F. Leitman. (SSch) (Entered: 06/21/2023) | |
06/21/23 | SUMMONS Issued for *Ford Motor Company* (SSch) (Entered: 06/21/2023) |