TC Heartland LLC
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Recent Dockets
Entered | Case | Description |
10/27/23 | Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Jeffrey G. Mote and Certification of Local Counsel Kevin D. Holden Filing Fee: $75, receipt number BVAEDC-9191696 by TC Heartland, LLC. (Holden, Kevin). Clerk properly saved and replaced Motion on 10/27/2023. Modified on 10/27/2023. (Sbea) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
10/27/23 | Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Charles Dean Pfister and Certification of Local Counsel Kevin D. Holden Filing Fee: $75, receipt number AVAEDC-9191687 by TC Heartland, LLC. (Holden, Kevin). Clerk properly saved and replaced Motion on 10/27/2023. Modified on 10/27/2023. (Sbea) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
10/27/23 | Financial Interest Disclosure Statement (Local Rule 7.1) by TC Heartland, LLC. (Holden, Kevin) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
10/27/23 | Initial Case Assignment to District Judge M. Hannah Lauck. Related Case Number 3:21cv00328 - Closed May 12, 2022. (Sbea) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
10/27/23 | Notice of Correction re: 1 Complaint, 3 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Charles Dean Pfister and Certification of Local Counsel Kevin D. Holden, and 4 Motion to appear Pro Hac Vice by Jeffrey G. Mote and Certification of Local Counsel Kevin D. Holden. Clerk modified Exhibit label names for the Complaint. Motions to appear Pro Hac Vice were not properly saved. In the future, to correctly save the PDF fillable form, click on the File menu, select Print, and then select our PDF writer from the Printer Name List, then click on Print or OK depending on your program. Clerk has saved and replaced the Motions and no further action is required. (Sbea) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
10/27/23 | Complaint filed by TC Heartland, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Civil Cover Sheet)(Holden, Kevin). Modified on 10/27/2023. (Sbea) (Entered: 10/27/2023) | |
01/12/23 | SEALED ORDER. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 1/12/2023. (jsmi, ) (Entered: 01/12/2023) | |
01/03/23 | SEALED TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on December 21, 2022, before Judge David J. Novak, Court Reporter/Transcriber Melissa Custis, Telephone number 804-916-2278. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: The parties have thirty(30) calendar days to file with the Court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. Clerk SEALED transcript per instructions. (jsmi, ) (Entered: 01/03/2023) | |
12/21/22 | Sealed ORDER. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 12/21/2022. (cgar) (Entered: 12/21/2022) | |
12/21/22 | Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge David J. Novak:Evidentiary Hearing held on 12/21/2022. Matter came on for evidentiary hearing. Arguments heard. Findings stated from bench. SEALED ORDER TO ENTER. Transcript of hearing sealed. (Court Reporter Melissa Custis, OCR.)(cgar) (Entered: 12/21/2022) |