Universal Remote Control Inc


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TypeOperating Company
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AO 120 FORM PATENT - CASE TERMINATED - SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 290, the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby advised that a final decision was rendered on 8/22/22 in a court action filed on the following patent(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office electronically notified via Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF). (yv) (Entered: 08/22/2022)
ORDER OF DISMISSAL... The Complaint is DISMISSED without prejudice pursuant to Rule 4(m) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Any pending motions are moot. All conferences are canceled. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jesse M. Furman on 8/22/22) (yv) (Entered: 08/22/2022)
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. It is hereby ORDERED that the Plaintiff communicate with the Court, in writing, as to why Plaintiff has failed thus far to serve the summons and Complaint, or, if Plaintiff believes that the Defendant has been served, when and in what manner such service was made. If additional time to effectuate service under the Hague Convention is necessary, Plaintiff may request a nunc pro tunc extension of its service deadline. If the Court does not receive any communication from Plaintiff by August 18, 2022, showing good cause why such service was not made by the August 9, 2022 deadline, the Court will dismiss the case without further notice. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jesse M. Furman on 8/11/22) (yv) (Entered: 08/11/2022)
ORDER granting 21 Letter Motion for Extension of Time. Granted. So Ordered. ( Motions due by 4/14/2022.) (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 3/8/22) (yv) (Entered: 03/08/2022)
ORDER granting 21 Letter Motion for Extension of Time. Granted. So Ordered. ( Motions due by 4/14/2022.) (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 3/8/22) (yv) (Entered: 03/08/2022)
CONSENT LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File an Application to Reopen the Case addressed to Judge Kenneth M. Karas from David R. Bennett dated March 8, 2022. Document filed by Altair Logix LLC..(Bennett, David) (Entered: 03/08/2022)
CONSENT LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File an Application to Reopen the Case addressed to Judge Kenneth M. Karas from David R. Bennett dated March 8, 2022. Document filed by Altair Logix LLC..(Bennett, David) (Entered: 03/08/2022)
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: The Court having been advised that all claims asserted herein have been settled, it is ORDERED that the above-entitled action be and is hereby dismissed and discontinued without costs, and without prejudice to the right to reopen the action within thirty days of the date of this Order if the settlement is not consummated. To be clear, any application to reopen must be filed within thirty days of this Order; any application to reopen filed thereafter may be denied solely on that basis. Further, if the parties wish for the Court to retain jurisdiction for the purposes of enforcing any settlement agreement, they must submit the settlement agreement to the Court within the same thirty days day period to be "so ordered" by the Court. Per Paragraph 4(B) of the Court`s Individual Rules and Practices for Civil Cases, unless the Court orders otherwise, the Court will not retain jurisdiction to enforce a settlement agreement unless it is made part of the public record. Any pending motions are denied. All conferences are vacated. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 2/13/2022) (va) (Entered: 02/14/2022)
ORDER granting 18 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to Answer re 18 FOURTH LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re: 1 Complaint addressed to Judge Kenneth M. Karas from Douglas A. Miro dated February 9, 2022., 1 Complaint. Granted. So Ordered. (Universal Remote Control, Inc. answer due 3/18/2022.) (Signed by Judge Kenneth M. Karas on 2/9/22) (yv) (Entered: 02/10/2022)
FOURTH LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re: 1 Complaint addressed to Judge Kenneth M. Karas from Douglas A. Miro dated February 9, 2022. Document filed by Universal Remote Control, Inc...(Miro, Douglas) (Entered: 02/09/2022)