Vascular Solutions Inc
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Entered | Case | Description |
12/19/24 | (Text-Only) ORDER/NOTICE OF SCHEDULING: Status Conference set for 1/7/2025 at 09:30 AM by Video Conference (no courtroom) before Judge Laura M. Provinzino. Conference information will be sent separately to counsel. Ordered by Judge Laura M. Provinzino on 12/19/2024. (TJC) (Entered: 12/19/2024) | |
12/18/24 | ORDER VACATING FINAL JUDGMENT re [371] Motion for Relief from Judgment (Written Opinion) Signed by Judge Laura M. Provinzino on 12/18/2024. (TJC) (Entered: 12/18/2024) | |
12/17/24 | Joint MOTION for Relief from Judgment Under Rule 60(b)(5) filed by Teleflex Life Sciences LLC, Teleflex Life Sciences LLC, Vascular Solutions, LLC, Arrow International LLC, Teleflex LLC, Vascular Solutions, LLC, Teleflex LLC, Arrow International LLC. Jointly signed by Plaintiff. (Laud, Sanjiv) Modified text on 12/20/2024 (kt). (Entered: 12/17/2024) | |
12/10/24 | USCA - Federal Circuit ORDER (electronic copy) as to [355] Notice of Appeal to Federal Circuit filed by Vascular Solutions, LLC, Teleflex LLC, Teleflex Life Sciences LLC, Arrow International LLC. It is ordered that the appeal is remanded for further proceedings in light of Medtronic and to allow the parties to ask the district court for vacatur of its judgment. In granting the request, this court takes no position as to whether the district court should grant vacatur. Each side shall bear its own costs. (MMG) (Entered: 12/10/2024) | |
11/01/24 | ORDER OF REASSIGNMENT OF RELATED CASES that 19-cv-1760 (NEB/TNL) has been reassigned to Judge Laura M. Provinzino. Signed by Judge Laura M. Provinzino and Judge Nancy E. Brasel on 11/1/2024.(ABR) (Entered: 11/01/2024) | |
10/29/24 | ORDER OF RECUSAL. Judge Jerry W. Blackwell recused. Case reassigned to Judge Laura M. Provinzino for all further proceedings. NOTE: the new case number is 17-cv-1969 LMP/TNL. Please use this case number for all subsequent pleadings. Signed by Judge Jerry W. Blackwell on 10/29/2024.(MMG) (Entered: 10/29/2024) | |
10/24/24 | ORDER OF RECUSAL. Chief Judge Patrick J. Schiltz recused. Case reassigned to Judge Jerry W. Blackwell for all further proceedings. NOTE: the new case number is 17-cv-1969 JWB/TNL. Please use this case number for all subsequent pleadings. Signed by Chief Judge Patrick J. Schiltz on 10/24/2024. (Attachments: # [1] Exhibit(s) Copy of Order)(CLK) (Entered: 10/24/2024) | |
04/10/24 | USCA - Federal Circuit MANDATE (electronic copy) as to 357 Notice of Appeal to Federal Circuit filed by QXMedical, LLC. (MMG) (Entered: 04/10/2024) | |
04/10/24 | USCA - Federal Circuit ORDER (electronic copy) as to 355 Notice of Appeal to Federal Circuit filed by Vascular Solutions, LLC, Teleflex LLC, Teleflex Life Sciences LLC, Arrow International LLC, 357 Notice of Appeal to Federal Circuit filed by QXMedical, LLC. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT (1) Appeal No. 2024-1573 is dismissed. The revised official caption for the remaining appeal, Appeal No. 2024-1572, is reflected in this order. (2) Each side shall bear its own costs as to Appeal No. 2024-1573. (3) Appellants opening brief in Appeal No. 2024-1572 is due no later than May 14, 2024. Issuing mandate as to 2024-1573 only. (MMG) (Entered: 04/10/2024) | |
03/18/24 | Federal Circuit Case Number 24-1573 for 357 Notice of Appeal to Federal Circuit filed by QXMedical, LLC. (MMG) (Entered: 03/18/2024) |