Welch Allyn Inc


Total Cases15
Active Cases--
TypeOperating Company
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Recent Dockets

NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc.'s First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (Nos. 1-7); and Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc.'s Second Set of Requests for Production of Documents and Things to Defendant iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (Nos. 25-45) filed by Welch Allyn, Inc..(Rovner, Philip) (Entered: 01/21/2025)
NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc.'s Disclosure of Asserted Patents, Accused Products, and Damages Model filed by Welch Allyn, Inc..(Rovner, Philip) (Entered: 01/17/2025)
NOTICE OF SERVICE of (1) Defendants' First Set of Requests for the Production of Documents and Things (Nos. 1-45) to Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc.; and (2) Defendants' First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc. (Nos. 1-9) filed by iRhythm Technologies, Inc..(Egan, Brian) (Entered: 01/15/2025)
NOTICE OF SERVICE of Plaintiff Welch Allyn, Inc.'s First Set of Requests for Production of Documents and Things to Defendant iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (Nos. 1-24) filed by Welch Allyn, Inc..(Rovner, Philip) (Entered: 01/15/2025)
SCHEDULING ORDER: Joinder of Parties due by 6/2/2025. Amended Pleadings due by 6/2/2025. Fact Discovery completed by 1/16/2026. Opening Expert Reports due by 7/1/2026. Rebuttal Expert Reports due by 8/5/2026. Reply Expert Reports due by 8/26/2026. Expert Discovery due by 9/23/2026. Dispositive Motions due by 10/15/2026. Answering Brief due 11/5/2026. Reply Brief due 11/19/2026. Claim Construction Opening Brief served by 2/5/2026. Claim Construction Answering Brief served by 3/5/2026. Claim Construction Reply Brief served by 3/18/2026. Claim Construction Surreply Brief served by 3/31/2026. Joint Claim Construction Brief filed by 4/7/2026. A Markman Hearing is set for 5/5/2026 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 4A before Judge Maryellen Noreika. A Pretrial Conference is set for 3/15/2027 at 04:30 PM in Courtroom 4A before Judge Maryellen Noreika. A 5-day Jury Trial is set for 3/22/2027 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 4A before Judge Maryellen Noreika. Signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 1/15/2025. (dlw) (Entered: 01/15/2025)
PROPOSED ORDER // Scheduling Order by iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (Egan, Brian) Modified on 1/7/2025 (dlw). (Entered: 01/06/2025)
ORAL ORDER - IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, within thirty (30) days from the date of this Order, the parties shall confer regarding proposed dates in the scheduling order and shall submit a proposed order, which is also consistent with the following guidance. The parties shall provide final contentions (i.e., final infringement and invalidity contentions, as well as final non-infringement and validity contentions) around the time that fact discovery closes (i.e., several weeks prior to or after the deadline to complete fact discovery) and at least three weeks before Plaintiff serves its opening claim construction brief. Final contentions shall include a party's contentions under its proposed construction(s), as well as under the opposing construction(s) (if such an alternative contention exists). As such, the parties are encouraged to exchange proposed claim terms and proposed constructions early in the case but in no event later than necessary to allow the parties to include alternative contentions in their final contentions. The joint claim construction chart shall be due one week after the parties have completed their exchange of final contentions, and the joint claim construction brief must be filed at least three weeks before the claim construction hearing. The parties shall leave at least three weeks between the claim construction hearing and the opening of expert discovery. The parties are to use the Court's form scheduling order, which is posted at https://www.ded.uscourts.gov (see Chambers, Judge Noreika, Forms), and the parties must include a proposal for the length and timing of trial. If there are disputes or issues that the Court needs to address in the proposed scheduling order, the parties shall direct the Court to the paragraph numbers in which those appear in a cover letter to the Court. ORDERED by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 12/6/2024. (dlw) (Entered: 12/06/2024)
ORAL ORDER Setting TELEPHONIC Hearing on [17] MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim - IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a TELEPHONIC Motion Hearing is set for 1/28/2025 at 10:00 AM before Judge Maryellen Noreika. The Court is setting aside thirty (30) minutes for the argument with the time split equally between the parties. Any slide presentations the parties wish to use shall be emailed (in PDF format) to MN_Civil@ded.uscourts.gov no later than 24 hours prior to the hearing with hard copies delivered to the Clerk's Office within one (1) hour thereafter. The parties may, however, agree upon a different time to exchange their respective slides. Counsel shall provide a teleconference dial-in number and code for the teleconference by emailing this Court's Judicial Administrator. ORDERED by Judge Maryellen Noreika on 12/6/2024. (dlw) (Entered: 12/06/2024)
DECLARATION of Melanie Mayer re [20] Reply Brief by iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (Attachments: # [1] Exhibits 1-2)(Egan, Brian) Modified on 6/12/2024 (dlw). (Entered: 06/12/2024)
REPLY BRIEF re [17] MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by iRhythm Technologies, Inc.. (Egan, Brian) (Entered: 06/12/2024)